Study and Scientific Library – Hradec Králové  ——  The Roof of the St. Pius Church  ——  Museum aan de Strom  ——  Interior of an outdoor store Český Ráj  ——  Sport and Relaxation Centre  ——  Technorama of Emil Škoda  ——  Fojtka family estate  ——  House by the third hole  ——  Horní Počernice II  ——  Náplavní 2/1772  ——  The Info-system of the Park at Letná  ——  The Barandov interior  

Loft conversion in Terronská  ——  Arabská Highschool  ——  Nebušice family house  
Letenské sady  ——  Family house in Semčice  ——  Glass and Bijouterie Museum  ——  High Museum of Art  

The Barandov interior

The Barandov interior was designed with the objective of a modern interior full of stowage space for a growing family of an enlightened investor. We transformed the long, unfriendly entrance hallway with a minimum of stowage space into a representative entrance area, which holds the majority of the stowage space of the apartment. Oak veneer is interlaid in places of “transmission” of the precise shapes of the white built-in wardrobes, creating a harmonic unit with the floor and doors. The elegant white color, along with the bleached oak furniture solitaires, permeates the whole interior. Olive greens in the children’s bedroom and on one of the walls of the entrance hallway create color accents. Chocolate brown brightens the parents’ bedroom and everything is complemented with chocolate brown or sanded glass and stainless accessories.

author:Dalibor Hlaváček
cooperation:Jan Cyrany, Štěpánka Šmídová
visualizations:Jan Cyrany, Dalibor Hlaváček