Study and Scientific Library – Hradec Králové  ——  The Roof of the St. Pius Church  ——  Museum aan de Strom  ——  Interior of an outdoor store Český Ráj  ——  Sport and Relaxation Centre  ——  Technorama of Emil Škoda  ——  Fojtka family estate  ——  House by the third hole  ——  Horní Počernice II  ——  Náplavní 2/1772  ——  The Info-system of the Park at Letná  ——  The Barandov interior  

Loft conversion in Terronská  ——  Arabská Highschool  ——  Nebušice family house  
Letenské sady  ——  Family house in Semčice  ——  Glass and Bijouterie Museum  ——  High Museum of Art  

Interior of an outdoor store Český Ráj – Mladá Boleslav

The design of the interior elements reflects the clients’ demands for maximum flexibility of the interior, reasonable price and the possibility of do-it-yourself furnishing and refurnishing. A universal storage system nicknamed “unibox” had been designed. Very simple manipulation enables the change of function of every peace of the system in order to meet the immediate need. Each part of the system can be changed into a clothes rack, a shelf piece or a box for small wares. The maximum possible simplicity of the elements gives the client a free hand in selecting contractors. The whole conception of the project is more of a guideline than a final product. The compensation was perquisite and the sleeping bag still serves well.

author:Jan Cyrany, Dalibor Hlaváček
visualizations:Jan Cyrany